Rent the Rock


The ER Spirit Rock is a great way to send a message for all to see! Whether you would like to wish a student a Happy Birthday, show appreciation for a favorite teacher, or just show your school spirit, our ER rock is the perfect place for you!

Rent the Rock How To:

1. Reservations are made online through Sign Up Genius. PLEASE ensure you select the correct date before submitting your payment.

2. Rent the rock for $25/day. Once a renter reserves a date slot in the Sign Up Genius, go to the online Square store to pay for each date rented:

3. Once the payment has been processed, immediately FORWARD your payment confirmation email to [email protected] to ensure you keep your rock reservation.

GUIDELINES – Please read ALL of the guidelines!

1. Reservations are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Keep in mind that the earlier you make your reservation, the more likely you are to get your desired date.

2. Families may not rent for more than 4 consecutive days at a time.

3. All artwork painted on the rock must be in good taste and may not contain any foul or derogatory language, religious, political, or offensive statements/symbols. The messages or designs must be positive! *School administration has the right to paint over and revoke further painting privileges for individuals who do not abide by these rules. Refunds will not be given if the message needs to be painted over.*

4. Families need to provide their own paint and supplies. Spray paint may be used to cover the previous message. Use only “standard” latex or water-based paint on the rock. It takes about 2.5 cans of spray paint to fully cover the rock.

5. Painting of school property, besides the rock is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, sidewalks, asphalt, lampposts, or buildings. Any damage to the surrounding area or buildings will result in financial responsibility for repairs.

6. Painting of the rock may occur anytime between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on the DAY BEFORE your rental.
a. If you are renting the rock for a Monday you will need to paint it on the Friday before between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.

7. In the event of inclement weather, please plan on painting with an umbrella in hand. For severe weather that prohibits afternoon painting, you may paint from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. on the day you rent the rock.

8. The PTO will not give refunds on rock reservations. If you are unable to paint the rock on your scheduled date, please try to trade with another family. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!

9. There are no trash cans or water supply available, so please bring appropriate bags to clean up afterwards. Paint cans are not allowed to be put in dumpsters on school property.

10. The renting of the rock runs on the honor system; we hope everyone respects the guidelines set by the PTO and school administration.

We cannot wait to see all the amazing artwork displayed on the SPIRIT ROCK throughout the year! Reserve your date today, and we will see you at The Rock!!

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